GNBF5030 Homework 1

Student id: 1155228903

Question 1

  1. Answer: There are 35 Single-end samples and 2 Paired-end samples recorded in this table.

  2. Answer: SRR098026, SRR098028, SRR098031, SRR098033, SRR098040, SRR098041, SRR098043, SRR098044, SRR098279, SRR098280, SRR098281, SRR098282, SRR098283, SRR098284, SRR098286, SRR098287, SRR098288.

  3. Answer: There are 30 sample names start with ZDB. And the other prefixes of sample names like ZDB are CZB, REL and ZDB.

Question 2

  1. Answer: I think the dataset SRR072905.fastq have better quality based on the results above, because it contains less unknown nucleotides than other datasets.

Question 3

  1. Answer: There are 8 annotations are associated with their feature type.

  2. Answer: number of genes:

    • 2L chromosome : 3496

    • 2R chromosome: 3621

    • 3L chromosome: 3457

    • 3R chromosome: 4191

    • 4 chromosome: 111

    • mitochondrion_genome chromosome: 38

    • rDNA chromosome: 21

    • Unmapped_Scaffold_8 chromosome: 2

    • X chromosome: 2671

    • Y chromosome: 113

Question 4